Saturday, January 10, 2009

My Friend Nick 1-10-09

I don't really have much of an update. They started chemo a couple of days ago and I am feeling fine. So I won't add much more.

The only thing that I did want to point out is that some of you (you know who I am speaking of); many of you out there really have "sick sense of humors'. When I read Nick's comment to Gail from my 1/7/09 blog, she asked "who in the world is that?". I responded by telling her Nick is our friend in Atlanta, at which point she said "Oh yeah, Him!

What I love about Nick is that during times when people are "down" and going in for Stem Cell Transplants and looking for encouragement, Nick has the courage to remind me about the last time we played golf and "he kicked my butt". Isn't that nice? Furthermore, he proceeds to tell me that he also got an SL500 Benz and that his is "probably" better than mine. This my friends is the sign of true friendship. As for Nick's family, they are all the sweetest people in the world.

As for you Nick, I love you buddy!

All my Best

P.S. May God strike your golf club on the backswing on # 18

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Dennis
I am thinking of you right now as you go through your stem cell transplant. I know you have amazing strength. You are surrounded by the prayers and love of so many people today and always.